Let’s Meet Enevti.com Mobile App: Alpha Version!

Enevti.com Blog
Published in
7 min readJun 12, 2022


We are proud to announce Enevti.com Alpha Mobile App!

After 406 commits on the enevti-app repo, and 62 commits on the enevti-core repo, we are proud to introduce the Alpha version of the Enevti.com mobile app, for Android!

At Enevti.com, we are always striving for #NextEvolutionOfNFT, which is an NFT beyond art and collectibles with real-world social utility. We believe that social media should be decentralized, and web3 technology — especially NFT — can make that happen. This vision must be translated into a real product, that users can benefit from. As a first step towards that, we are proud to announce that the Enevti.com Alpha Mobile Application is ready!

We focus on developing a mobile-first web3 experience. Why? Our mission is to bring NFT to mass adoption, and web3 mass adoption wouldn’t happen without better UX [1]. So, what does this have to do with the mobile-first approach? Specifically for social media, the mobile experience is much more important, because out of 4.48 billion social media users, 99% of them access it from mobile devices [2]. More specifically, 90% of users spend their mobile time in apps, and only 10% are browsing the rest of the internet via browser [3]. Not to mention that 61% of millennials say that they download retail apps and 58% of millennials mentioned that they preferred purchasing through apps rather than websites [4]. Our world is mobile-first, however, in fact, 98% of DAaps and Crypto applications are still built exclusively for the desktop [5]. This can certainly slow down the mass adoption of decentralized web3 applications, and this is certainly not something that we want!

Ultimately, we will develop the Enevti.com app as a Super-App! As for this Alpha version, we want to highlight several features according to what we promised. Starting from web2-to-web3 connection with the “login with google” feature, to the “redeemable NFT” for exclusive content utility. After reading this article, you will get to know the features of our alpha mobile app, as well as get an idea of what’s coming next for Enevti.com.

Let’s start exploring the Front-end features!

Here we list some of the notable features of the Enevti.com Alpha mobile application, as follows:

Look & Feel: Light & Dark Theme

Enevti.com Alpha Mobile App, support light and dark theme!
Enevti.com Alpha App: support light and dark theme!

Let’s start with the user interface. In this Alpha version, we have provided a light and dark theme, that will follow the user’s device preference settings.

Create Account: Passphrase-based & Login with Google!

Enevti.com Alpha App: Create Account Flow

While blockchain offers a secure BIP39 passphrase account creation, a lot of users — especially non-crypto savvy ones — still find this mechanism confusing and not user-friendly, as they are already familiar with the web2 login systems, such as Google. However, implementing centralized web2 login as it is, is basically making it less secure. We try to implement the best of both worlds! Apart from ‘already secure’ passphrase login, we also implement google login with an additional security layer.

Feeds: Exploring NFT available to Buy!

Enevti.com Alpha App: Feeds Screen

Feeds are an essential element of social media. On this page, users can explore the NFTs available for purchase, and briefly see the staking amount of each creator.

Profile: An Ownership Hub of your NFT!

Enevti.com Alpha App: Profile Screen

Another essential element of social media is Profile. Through this screen, users can see NFT owned by a profile, a brief stat about their account, as well a list of NFT collections that they have created.

Stake your Favorite Creator!

Enevti.com Alpha App: Staking Flow

In this Alpha version, we also show a sneak peek of the staking feature. Creators must get a stake of at least 1000 coins to be able to create NFT. They can also put stakes into themselves, or so-called self-stake. This is the forerunner of the Creator Finance feature that we will develop next.

Create NFT: Specify Type, Template, and Utility!

Enevti.com Alpha App: Create NFT Flow

After getting 1000 coin stakes, creators can make NFT! In this create NFT flow, creators can determine the type of NFT they want to make, identification, selling price, and of course the utility of the NFT. Every NFT data will be uploaded to IPFS, not centralized storage! We also introduced the template concept to make it easier for creators to create collections through visual attributes, without changing the original data from the NFT. In this Alpha version, users can create a one-of-a-kind NFT type with exclusive content utility. Of course, more types and utilities will come!

Buy NFT: Right from the Collection page!

Enevti.com Alpha App: Buy NFT Flow

The created NFT will be available as a collection. Each collection can be found either from Feeds or from the creator’s profile. If the mint period has not expired and/or there is NFT still available for minting, the user can buy NFT from that page.

Redeem NFT: Exclusive Content Utility

Enevti.com Alpha App: Redeem Exclusive Content, with type: image, audio, video, pdf, even APK (left to right)

Finally, NFT can be more than just art and collectibles, with real utility! In this alpha version, we want to highlight the exclusive content NFT utility, where only the owner can redeem the secret content in the NFT. The redeem process is decentralized, so even the Enevti.com team doesn’t know what the secret content is.

Then, what content can be put in it? Whatever you Like! Songs, books, videos, and even native formats like Android APK. Yes, can you imagine that the APK is turned into NFT? 😲😳😎

That’s Cool, but How About The Blockchain side?

Glad you ask about that! Before we continue, we want to re-emphasize that Enevti.com is a project that is proud to be an awardee of the Lisk Grant Program. Therefore, the Alpha version is built using Lisk SDK to develop a native Blockchain backend.

Thanks to the Lisk SDK architecture, we can define on-chain logic (via modules), and off-chain logic (via plugins). Broadly speaking, an overview of the Enevti.com blockchain in this Alpha version, can be illustrated as follows:

Enevti.com Alpha Blockchain Logic Overview
Enevti.com Alpha Blockchain Logic Overview

On top of that, since the Lisk SDK allows us to modify Layer 1 rules up to consensus, we also configured the Enevti.com blockchain to have a block time of 5-second. This is crucial to provide a more comfortable experience for users, especially for social media use cases. Luckily, the Lisk SDK also supports very efficient DPoS consensus, and so far the 5-second block time is doing well. 😎🚀🔥

Thanks to Lisk SDK!!!

There are many tools available today to build decentralized applications, but not many are available to build blockchain applications. Both have advantages and disadvantages, some people see that alternative Layer 1 blockchains can have more potential. We at enevti.com believe that to build web3 social media, layer 1 configuration is very important for scalability and efficiency. In this case, Lisk SDK can help Enevti.com to realize the idea!

We highly value User Experience, because that is one of the bottlenecks to web3 mass adoption as we mentioned earlier, and Lisk can help us make that happen. Of the many features that the Lisk SDK has to offer, we found the Lisk SDK to be superior in terms of flexibility and accessibility. As it is an SDK to develop Blockchain Applications (not Smart Contract Applications), we can configure everything, even set specific fees for specific transactions! Not to mention the Javascript-based architecture, so we have access to 1.3 million NPM packages we can integrate as well.

We know Blockchain is still very far from mass adoption, and for that, let’s just don’t stop at #HODL. Now It’s time to #BUIDL (WAGMI! 👩‍💻🚀🔥)

What’s Next

The development of the Enevti.com application will not stop here! After this Alpha, we will continue development for the beta version, up until the production version.

We want to make products that provide real benefits and utility, and something that users really want! To make a better product, we need input from as many stakeholders as possible, including you! For this reason, we also created a feedback form that you can fill out here. From this survey, we will map priorities about what features we will develop next (Thank you for filling out the form, we really appreciated it)

Finally, you can experience our alpha app, which can be downloaded for Android, here. Please keep in mind that, this is still an alpha version, so if you found any bug or trouble, please open an issue on our GitHub repository for enevti-app or enevti-core. Together, we can strive for #NextEvolutionOfNFT!

What do you think? Excited to know more about Enevti.com? Check us out on:

Official Website: https://enevti.com/

Official Blog: https://blog.enevti.com/

Medium: https://enevti.medium.com/

Github: https://github.com/enevtihq

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Discord: http://chat.enevti.com/

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/enevtihq/



Enevti.com Blog

Award-winning web3 social media super-app that connects creators and fans through redeemable NFTs